Day 1/10 of #C045S4393CY|:
Worked on scene management and switching + made a transition animation! Had to redo all of my scene logic to make a single scene with all the essentials that loads alongside every other scene
. Also made transition prefabs, so now I can just drag and drop them into the scene and make the player teleport!!Updated my Cozy Farm game for Project 41 for #arcade! Updated the title screen UI too! (scrappy wasn’t working so trying it now)
I created a new portfolio website for myself but with lots of cool animations for Project 22 for #arcade. My main aim with this website is to make the animations as seamless as Apple’s websites. Its still far from being complete but I have added a lots of animations and sections.
Built a bombs game using React and deployed it with Vercel for Project 20 for #arcade.
You have to navigate a set of bombs floating around the screen. The objective is to avoid collisions between the bombs for as long as possible. The bombs can be moved by dragging them with the mouse, but be careful—any collision between them will result in a game over. To add to the challenge, the speed of the bombs increases over time!
Enjoy playing Bombs and challenge yourself to achieve the highest score: